About Us

We are a reader focused organization that strives to deliver the most up to date news for the lovers of technology to mop with their eyes. Equipped with an unending desire to be the best, we take daily efforts in ensuring that our readers always enjoy waking up to a full day’s reading of what would have transpired everywhere in the world concerning information technology. The starting point for our company was through the same any other invention came to being, having discovered how much the people around us loved hearing from us what would have been the latest then, we decided to develop a platform from which they could get all their news regardless of our online status.

Formed mostly by business partnerships and most importantly long formed friendships, our platform presents all our readers an opportunity to be on the forefront of technology, be it in knowing the newest and most efficient tools to carry out their daily tasks or to actually trying out the suggestions we may come across and publish.

Our team includes players from all age groups, millennials and even baby boomers, are all included in deciding what goes out to the readers, and so far it seems to be a working mix.

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